Generated by Ease for demo on Thu Jan 13 15:19:29 2022

Documentation for architecture uart.stim.rtl

Contents Side Data Generated HDL

VHDL contents

    1  -- EASE/HDL begin --------------------------------------------------------------
    2  --
    3  -- Architecture 'rtl' of entity 'stim'.
    4  --
    5  --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    6  --
    7  -- Copy of the interface declaration:
    8  --
    9  --   generic(
   10  --     dwidth : Natural := 8;
   11  --     Period : time := 50 ns);
   12  --   port (
   13  --     addr       : inout  std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
   14  --     csn        : inout  std_logic;
   15  --     data       : inout  std_logic_vector(dwidth-1 downto 0);
   16  --     frame_err  : in     std_logic;
   17  --     parity_err : in     std_logic;
   18  --     rd         : inout  std_logic;
   19  --     resetn     : inout  std_logic;
   20  --     rx         : inout  std_logic;
   21  --     rxrdy      : in     std_logic;
   22  --     sclk       : in     std_logic;
   23  --     tx         : in     std_logic;
   24  --     txrdy      : in     std_logic;
   25  --     wr         : inout  std_logic);
   26  -- 
   27  -- EASE/HDL end ----------------------------------------------------------------
   29  architecture rtl of stim is
   31    signal baud_clk   : std_logic := '0';
   32    signal baudcnt    : natural := 0;
   33    signal parity_en  : std_logic := '0';
   34    signal nr_dbits   : natural := 8;
   35    signal stop_2bit  : std_logic := '0'; 
   36    signal rx_in      : std_logic := '1';
   37    signal loop_mode  : std_logic := '0';
   39    procedure init (signal addr : inout std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
   40                  signal data : inout std_logic_vector(dwidth-1 downto 0);
   41                  signal csn  : inout std_logic;
   42                  signal wr   : inout std_logic;
   43                  signal rd   : inout std_logic;
   44                  signal resetn : inout std_logic) is
   45    begin
   46      addr <= "00";
   47      csn  <= '1';
   48      data <= (others => 'Z');
   49      rd   <= '0';
   50      wr   <= '0';
   51      resetn <= '0';
   52      wait for 2*Period;
   53      resetn <= '1';
   54      wait for Period;
   55    end init;
   57    procedure config( signal addr : inout std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
   58                      signal data : inout std_logic_vector(dwidth-1 downto 0);
   59                      signal csn  : inout std_logic;
   60                      signal wr   : inout std_logic;
   61                      adr_in      : in std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
   62                      d_in        : in std_logic_vector(dwidth-1 downto 0)) is
   63    begin
   64      wait for Period - 15 ns;
   65      addr <= adr_in;
   66      csn  <= '0';
   67      data <= d_in;
   68      wr   <= '1';
   69      wait for Period;
   70      csn  <= '1';
   71      wr   <= '0';   
   72      data <= (others => 'Z');
   73      wait for Period;
   74    end config;
   76    procedure config_nrdbits(
   77                      signal addr : inout std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
   78                      signal data : inout std_logic_vector(dwidth-1 downto 0);
   79                      signal csn  : inout std_logic;
   80                      signal wr   : inout std_logic;
   81                      d_in        : in natural) is
   82      variable d : std_logic_vector(dwidth-1 downto 0) := (others => '0');
   83    begin
   84      d(1 downto 0) := conv_std_logic_vector((d_in-5), 2);
   85      config(addr, data, csn, wr, "01", d);
   86    end config_nrdbits;
   88    procedure config_parity(
   89                      signal addr : inout std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
   90                      signal data : inout std_logic_vector(dwidth-1 downto 0);
   91                      signal csn  : inout std_logic;
   92                      signal wr   : inout std_logic;
   93                      d_in        : in std_logic) is 
   94      variable d : std_logic_vector(dwidth-1 downto 0) := (others => '0');
   95    begin
   96      d(0) := d_in;
   97      config(addr, data, csn, wr, "10", d); 
   98    end config_parity;                     
  100    procedure config_stop2bit(
  101                      signal addr : inout std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
  102                      signal data : inout std_logic_vector(dwidth-1 downto 0);
  103                      signal csn  : inout std_logic;
  104                      signal wr   : inout std_logic;
  105                      d_in        : in std_logic) is 
  106      variable d : std_logic_vector(dwidth-1 downto 0) := (others => '0');
  107    begin
  108      d(0) := d_in;
  109      config(addr, data, csn, wr, "11", d); 
  110    end config_stop2bit;               
  112    procedure write_trans_data(   signal addr : inout std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
  113                      signal data : inout std_logic_vector(dwidth-1 downto 0);
  114                      signal csn  : inout std_logic;
  115                      signal wr   : inout std_logic;
  116                      d_in        : in std_logic_vector(dwidth-1 downto 0)) is
  117    begin
  118      wait for Period - 15 ns;
  119      addr <= "00";
  120      csn  <= '0';
  121      data <= d_in;
  122      wr   <= '1';
  123      wait for Period;
  124      csn  <= '1';
  125      wr   <= '0';
  126      data <= (others => 'Z');
  127      wait for 1 ns;
  128    end write_trans_data;
  130    procedure check_trans_data(signal tx : in std_logic;
  131                      signal txrdy: in std_logic;
  132                      d_in        : in std_logic_vector(dwidth-1 downto 0)) is
  133      variable length : integer;
  134      variable par : std_logic := '0';
  135    begin                       
  136      length := nr_dbits;
  138      -- start bit
  139      wait until tx = '0';
  140      wait until rising_edge(baud_clk);
  141      if tx = '0' then
  142        assert false report "Start bit detected" severity note;
  143      else
  144        assert false report "Start bit error" severity error;
  145      end if;
  147      -- data bits 
  148      for i in 0 to length-1 loop
  149        wait until rising_edge(baud_clk);
  150        if (tx /= d_in(i)) then
  151          assert false report "Data bit error" severity error;
  152        end if;
  153        par := par XOR d_in(i);
  154      end loop;
  156      if txrdy /= '0' then
  157        assert false report "Txrdy error" severity error;
  158      end if;
  160      -- parity bit
  161      wait until rising_edge(baud_clk);
  162      if parity_en = '1' then  
  163        if tx = par then
  164          assert false report "Parity bit verified" severity note;
  165        else
  166          assert false report "Parity bit error" severity error;
  167        end if;
  169        -- stop bit 
  170        wait until rising_edge(baud_clk);
  171        if tx = '1' then
  172          assert false report "Stop bit detected" severity note;
  173        else
  174          assert false report "Stop bit error" severity error;
  175        end if;
  176        if txrdy /= '1' then
  177          assert false report "Txrdy error" severity error;
  178        end if;
  179      else
  180        assert false report "Parity disabled" severity note;
  181        -- stop bit
  182        if tx = '1' then
  183          assert false report "Stop bit detected" severity note;
  184        else
  185          assert false report "Stop bit error" severity error;
  186        end if;
  188        if txrdy /= '1' then
  189          assert false report "Txrdy error" severity error;
  190        end if;
  191      end if;
  193      if stop_2bit = '1' then
  194        assert false report "Second stop bit enabled" severity note;
  195        wait until rising_edge(baud_clk);
  196        if tx /= '1' then
  197          assert false report "Second stop bit error" severity error;
  198        end if;
  199      end if;
  201      wait until txrdy = '0' for 1000 ns;
  202      if txrdy /= '0' then
  203        assert false report "Txrdy error" severity error;
  204      end if;
  206    end check_trans_data;
  208    procedure trans_data(signal addr : inout std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
  209                      signal data : inout std_logic_vector(dwidth-1 downto 0);
  210                      signal csn  : inout std_logic;
  211                      signal wr   : inout std_logic;
  212                      d_in        : in std_logic_vector(dwidth-1 downto 0);
  213                      signal tx   : in std_logic;
  214                      signal txrdy: in std_logic) is
  215    begin
  216      write_trans_data(addr, data, csn, wr, d_in);
  217      check_trans_data(tx, txrdy, d_in);
  218    end trans_data;
  220    procedure check_rec_data(
  221                      signal data : inout std_logic_vector(dwidth-1 downto 0);
  222                      signal rd   : inout std_logic;
  223                      signal rx   : in std_logic;
  224                      signal rxrdy: in std_logic) is
  225      variable length : integer;
  226      variable par : std_logic := '0';
  227      variable par_error, fr_error : std_logic := '0';
  228      variable d : std_logic_vector(dwidth-1 downto 0) := (others => '0');
  229    begin
  230      assert false report "Receiver test" severity note;                       
  231      length := nr_dbits;
  233      -- start bit
  234      wait until rx = '0';
  235      wait until rising_edge(baud_clk);
  237      -- data bits
  238      for i in 0 to length-1 loop
  239        wait until rising_edge(baud_clk);
  240        d(dwidth-1-1 downto 0)    := d(dwidth-1 downto 1);
  241        d(dwidth-1)               := rx;
  242        par                       := par XOR rx;
  243      end loop;
  245      -- parity bit
  246      wait until rising_edge(baud_clk);
  247      if parity_en = '1' then
  248        if rx /= par then
  249          assert false report "Parity bit error" severity error;
  250          par_error := '1';
  251        end if;
  253        -- stop bit
  254        wait until rising_edge(baud_clk);
  255        if rx /= '1' then
  256          assert false report "Stop bit error" severity error;
  257          fr_error := '1';
  258        end if;
  259      else
  260      -- stop bit
  261        if rx /= '1' then
  262          assert false report "Stop bit error" severity error;
  263          fr_error := '1';
  264        end if;
  265      end if;
  267      -- second stop bit
  268      if stop_2bit = '1' then
  269        wait until rising_edge(baud_clk);
  270        if rx /= '1' then
  271          assert false report "Second stop bit error" severity error;
  272          fr_error := '1';
  273        end if;
  274      end if;
  276      if rxrdy /= '1' then
  277        wait until rxrdy = '1' for 1000 ns;
  278        if rxrdy /= '1' then
  279          assert false report "Rxrdy error" severity error;
  280        end if;
  281      end if;
  283      rd <= '1';  
  284      wait for Period;
  285      -- check data
  286      if data /= d then
  287        assert false report "Wrong data received" severity error;
  288      end if;
  289      if parity_err /= par_error then
  290        assert false report "Wrong parity error" severity error;
  291      end if;
  292      if frame_err /= fr_error then
  293        assert false report "Wrong frame error" severity error;
  294      end if;
  296      rd <= '0';
  297      wait for 1 ns;
  298    end check_rec_data;
  300    procedure rec_data(signal addr : inout std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
  301                      signal data : inout std_logic_vector(dwidth-1 downto 0);
  302                      signal csn  : inout std_logic;
  303                      signal wr   : inout std_logic;
  304                      signal rd   : inout std_logic;
  305                      d_in        : in std_logic_vector(dwidth-1 downto 0);
  306                      signal rx   : in std_logic;
  307                      signal rxrdy: in std_logic;
  308                      signal loop_mode : inout std_logic) is
  309    begin
  310      -- connect rx to tx
  311      loop_mode <= '1';
  313      write_trans_data(addr, data, csn, wr, d_in);
  314      check_rec_data(data, rd, rx, rxrdy);  
  315    end rec_data;
  317    -- a non extensive transmitter test
  318    procedure transmitter_test(signal addr : inout std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
  319                      signal data : inout std_logic_vector(dwidth-1 downto 0);
  320                      signal csn  : inout std_logic;
  321                      signal wr   : inout std_logic;
  322                      signal tx   : in std_logic;
  323                      signal txrdy: in std_logic;
  324                      signal nr_dbits : inout natural;
  325                      signal parity_en : inout std_logic;
  326                      signal stop_2bit : inout std_logic) is
  327      variable d_in : std_logic_vector(dwidth-1 downto 0);
  328    begin
  329        -- configure 8 bits, no parity, 1 stop
  330        nr_dbits <= 8; parity_en <= '0'; stop_2bit <= '0';
  331        config_nrdbits(addr, data, csn, wr, 8);
  332        config_parity(addr, data, csn, wr, '0');
  333        config_stop2bit(addr, data, csn, wr, '0');
  335        -- send one byte "10100110"             
  336        d_in := "10100110";  -- first bit0, last bit7 send
  337        trans_data(addr, data, csn, wr, d_in, tx, txrdy);
  339        -- configure parity
  340        parity_en <= '1';
  341        config_parity(addr, data, csn, wr, '1');
  343        -- send one byte
  344        d_in := "01101001";
  345        trans_data(addr, data, csn, wr, d_in, tx, txrdy);
  347        -- configure 2 stop
  348        stop_2bit <= '1';
  349        config_stop2bit(addr, data, csn, wr, '1');
  351        -- send one byte
  352        d_in := "11100101";
  353        trans_data(addr, data, csn, wr, d_in, tx, txrdy);
  355        -- configure 5 bits, parity, 1 stop
  356        nr_dbits <= 5; parity_en <= '1'; stop_2bit <= '0';
  357        config_nrdbits(addr, data, csn, wr, 5);
  358        config_parity(addr, data, csn, wr, '1');
  359        config_stop2bit(addr, data, csn, wr, '0');
  361        -- send one byte
  362        d_in := (others => '0');
  363        d_in(4 downto 0) := "00101";
  364        trans_data(addr, data, csn, wr, d_in, tx, txrdy);  
  365    end transmitter_test;
  367    -- a non extensive receiver test
  368    procedure receiver_test(signal addr : inout std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
  369                      signal data : inout std_logic_vector(dwidth-1 downto 0);
  370                      signal csn  : inout std_logic;
  371                      signal wr   : inout std_logic;
  372                      signal rd   : inout std_logic;
  373                      signal txrdy: in std_logic;
  374                      signal rx   : in std_logic;
  375                      signal rxrdy: in std_logic;
  376                      signal loop_mode : inout std_logic;
  377                      signal nr_dbits : inout natural;
  378                      signal parity_en : inout std_logic;
  379                      signal stop_2bit : inout std_logic) is
  380      variable d_in : std_logic_vector(dwidth-1 downto 0);
  381    begin
  382        -- configure 8 bits, no parity, 1 stop
  383        nr_dbits <= 8; parity_en <= '0'; stop_2bit <= '0';
  384        config_nrdbits(addr, data, csn, wr, 8);
  385        config_parity(addr, data, csn, wr, '0');
  386        config_stop2bit(addr, data, csn, wr, '0');
  388        -- send one byte "10100110"
  389        if txrdy /= '0' then
  390          wait until txrdy = '0' for 20 us;
  391          if txrdy /= '0' then
  392            assert false report "Txrdy error" severity failure;
  393          end if;
  394        end if;             
  395        d_in := "10100110";  -- first bit0, last bit7 send
  396        rec_data(addr, data, csn, wr, rd, d_in, rx, rxrdy, loop_mode);
  398        -- configure parity
  399        parity_en <= '1';
  400        config_parity(addr, data, csn, wr, '1');
  402        -- send one byte
  403        if txrdy /= '0' then
  404          wait until txrdy = '0' for 20 us;
  405          if txrdy /= '0' then
  406            assert false report "Txrdy error" severity failure;
  407          end if;
  408        end if;             
  409        d_in := "01101001";
  410        rec_data(addr, data, csn, wr, rd, d_in, rx, rxrdy, loop_mode);
  412        -- configure 2 stop
  413        stop_2bit <= '1';
  414        config_stop2bit(addr, data, csn, wr, '1');
  416        -- send one byte
  417        if txrdy /= '0' then
  418          wait until txrdy = '0' for 20 us;
  419          if txrdy /= '0' then
  420            assert false report "Txrdy error" severity failure;
  421          end if;
  422        end if;             
  423        d_in := "11100101";
  424        rec_data(addr, data, csn, wr, rd, d_in, rx, rxrdy, loop_mode);
  426        -- configure 5 bits, parity, 1 stop
  427        nr_dbits <= 5; parity_en <= '1'; stop_2bit <= '0';
  428        config_nrdbits(addr, data, csn, wr, 5);
  429        config_parity(addr, data, csn, wr, '1');
  430        config_stop2bit(addr, data, csn, wr, '0');
  432        -- send one byte
  433        if txrdy /= '0' then
  434          wait until txrdy = '0' for 20 us;
  435          if txrdy /= '0' then
  436            assert false report "Txrdy error" severity failure;
  437          end if;
  438        end if;             
  439        d_in := (others => '0');
  440        d_in(4 downto 0) := "00101";
  441        rec_data(addr, data, csn, wr, rd, d_in, rx, rxrdy, loop_mode);
  442    end receiver_test;
  444    -- selects rx input (tx or data set by testbench
  445    procedure rx_mux(signal tx, rx_in: in std_logic;
  446                      signal rx: inout std_logic) is
  447    begin
  448      if loop_mode = '1' then
  449        rx <= tx;
  450      else
  451        rx <= rx_in;
  452      end if;
  453    end rx_mux;
  455  begin
  457  rx_mux(tx, rx_in, rx);
  459  baudproc : process(sclk)
  460  begin
  461    if rising_edge(sclk) then
  462      if baudcnt = 0 then
  463        baud_clk <= not baud_clk;
  464      end if;
  465      if baudcnt = 7 then
  466        baudcnt <= 0;
  467      else
  468        baudcnt <= baudcnt + 1;
  469      end if;
  470    end if;
  471  end process;  
  473  stimproc : process
  474  begin
  475    init(addr, data, csn, wr, rd, resetn);
  477    transmitter_test(addr, data, csn, wr, tx, txrdy, nr_dbits, parity_en, stop_2bit);
  479    receiver_test(addr, data, csn, wr, rd, txrdy, rx, rxrdy, loop_mode, nr_dbits, parity_en, stop_2bit);
  481    assert false report "End of stimulus" severity failure;
  482    wait;
  483  end process;
  485  end architecture rtl ; -- of stim