HDL Works
SPR | Title | Released | Description |
2350 | AMD Vivado dictionary support | 5.2.1 | It is possible to combine Pin and IO Standard assignment in the constraints file in one line using the -dict option:set_property -dict {PACKAGE_PIN A10 IOSTANDARD LVCMOS18 } [get_ports ETH1_MDC}] |
2345 | Verify if an IO standard is allowed for a bank/pin | 5.2.1 | Implemented check per pin for recent Altera (in Quartus(Pro) 23.x) and AMD (Vivado 2024.1) devices |
2339 | Ability to select derived PCB name when creating constraints | 5.2.1 | When you have net with has both a name and derived name it would be useful to be able to select which of these 2 names should be used when creating constraints from PCB data. |
2285 | Device view: have a top and bottom view. | 5.2.1 | A button is added to switch between the top and bottom view. |
FPGA Device updates | 5.2.1 |
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