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Problems fixed in IO Checker 5.2 Revision 1
To be announced

2350 AMD Vivado dictionary support 5.2.1 It is possible to combine Pin and IO Standard assignment in the constraints file in one line using the -dict option:
  set_property -dict {PACKAGE_PIN A10   IOSTANDARD LVCMOS18  } [get_ports ETH1_MDC}]
2345 Verify if an IO standard is allowed for a bank/pin 5.2.1 Implemented check per pin for recent Altera (in Quartus(Pro) 23.x) and AMD (Vivado 2024.1) devices
2339 Ability to select derived PCB name when creating constraints 5.2.1 When you have net with has both a name and derived name it would be useful to be able to select which of these 2 names should be used when creating constraints from PCB data.
2285 Device view: have a top and bottom view. 5.2.1 A button is added to switch between the top and bottom view.
FPGA Device updates 5.2.1
  • AMD
    QVersal Premium, Versal (aiedge, hbm, prime, premium) and Zynq.
  • Efinix
    Titanium & Topaz
  • Altera
    Renamed Intel back to Altera
    Agilex 7, Stratix 10
    Changed Stratix 3, Stratix 4 and Cyclone 3 families into legacy families.
  • Lattice Semiconductor
    Avant, MachX05, ECP5, MachXO2
  • Microchip
    Renamed Microsemi to Microchip
    PolarFire, PolarFireSoc
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