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Generated VHDL for a truth table

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  287    addr_mux: process (addr_ctrl, pc, ea, sp, up, iv) is
  288    begin
  289      case addr_ctrl is
  290        when idle_ad =>
  291          rw <= '1';
  292          vma <= '0';
  293          address <= (OTHERS => '1');
  294        when fetch_ad =>
  295          rw <= '1';
  296          vma <= '1';
  297          address <= pc;
  298        when read_ad =>
  299          rw <= '1';
  300          vma <= '1';
  301          address <= ea;
  302        when write_ad =>
  303          rw <= '0';
  304          vma <= '1';
  305          address <= ea;
  306        when pushs_ad =>
  307          rw <= '0';
  308          vma <= '1';
  309          address <= sp;
  310        when pulls_ad =>
  311          rw <= '1';
  312          vma <= '1';
  313          address <= sp;
  314        when pushu_ad =>
  315          rw <= '0';
  316          vma <= '1';
  317          address <= up;
  318        when pullu_ad =>
  319          rw <= '1';
  320          vma <= '1';
  321          address <= up;
  322        when int_hi_ad =>
  323          rw <= '1';
  324          vma <= '1';
  325          address <= "111111111111" & iv & "0";
  326        when int_lo_ad =>
  327          rw <= '1';
  328          vma <= '1';
  329          address <= "111111111111" & iv & "1";
  330        when others =>
  331          rw <= '1';
  332          vma <= '0';
  333          address <= (OTHERS => '1');
  334      end case;
  335    end process addr_mux ;

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