The programmable pins of a microprocessor/microcontroller have generic names in
the schematic capture and the functional name will depend on the applied
constraints. To verify the connections of the processor an engineer had to
manually step through the configuration and check each wire connected to
processor pins. HDL Works has developed a way to visualize the processor
configuration on the board based on the CSV pin report of the processor vendor.
In the above example we a part of an processor (STM32F746) symbol connected to
wires and at the right side we have the CSV file generated by the processor
vendor. An engineer creating the schematic has to manually check that all wires
received the correct name.
Below is a screenshot of the processor CSV file combined with the board netlist
in BoardTrace. The Connection details show the pin to pin signal names on both
sides. Often names still differ, but using the rule based matching most names
can be matched automatically.